Update: The letter was published on April 11, 2014.
To the editor:
Does our government represent Americans anymore? That is,
the vast majority of Americans who only reluctantly – as a last,
self-protective act – assent to wage war? Who value privacy and freedom of
expression above all? Who care for our poor and sick and less-advantaged? Who
take pride in sharing wealth and opportunity?
Americans who believe legislators should answer to the
people – not only the wealthy few and corporate contributors – and who demand
that honesty, transparency and principle, not money, should reign? Americans
who refuse to react out of fear in their world view, as well as in their
neighborhoods? Who believe criminals deserve due process, but – of whatever
status and wealth – warrant vigorous prosecution? In short, Americans whose
core values are anchored in the Constitution: Does our government represent
them anymore?
The answer to these questions is No. The government wages
war – by covert ops, "contractors," drones and troops – all over the
world. It silently, secretly (until revealed by Edward Snowden) collects and
archives our private communications. It spends our tax money on bank bailouts
and foreign adventures. It rewards corporations and their executives with tax
breaks and loopholes while suppressing workers' earnings. It is, in short, a
government run amok, unresponsive to and uncaring of Americans' will.
It's time – well past time – to remove our government, to replace all of its actors, all of its
supporters, root and branch.