Sunday, March 28, 2004

He Who Did Not Know, Knows

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Senator Jay Rockefeller says his vote in support of war in Iraq was wrong and based on bad intel. The WV Senator is the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee.

"If I had known then what I know now, I would have voted against it."

"I have admitted that my vote was wrong."

"The decision got made before there was a whole bunch of intelligence," said "I think the intelligence was shaped. And I think the interpretation of the intelligence was shaped."

[Shaped? Yeah, we all know what it was shaped out of.]

"We had this feeling we could be welcomed as liberators. Americans don't know history, geography, ethnicity. The administration had no idea of what they were getting into in Iraq. We are not internationalists. We border on being isolationists. We don't know anything about the Middle East."


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