Wednesday, May 16, 2007

It Just Doesn't Matter

Iraq? Impeachment? The "war on terr'r"? Life, death, taxes? In view of the eventual fate of Earth, the Solar System--even our galaxy, The Milky Way, when it eventually collides with the "nearby" galaxy Andromeda--nothing temporal (by our human standards of time) seems to matter. We'll all be dead, long dead, as will all of our successors, as will every page of every history book, all videos and hard drives, everything. There'll be no trace of our existence.

My reaction? Relief. Yours?


corewell said...

It seems to justify any kind of
human behavior. Certainly the fundanmentalists use it to say the
ends justify the means. I learned at Temple that ultimately, nothing that we do realy matters, but we still have to do what is right in this world. We are going die, but what kind of a life do we leave for our children. Aldous Huxley
made this statement, "The ends cannot justify the means for the simply and obvious reason that the means employed determine the nature of the ends produced."

Unknown said...


None of us has the promise of tomorrow. What matters is what we do with Now.