Saturday, July 28, 2007

Wait a minute...

Two posts ago I drew the line. No way I'd support Hillary Clinton. Now, after reading this NYT article about her college-days letters to a friend, I'm having second thoughts. As dry and studied as is much of the quoted language, there does seem to me to be a tiny spark, a blastula of a human being, revealed by her missives.
Maybe by now, in her fifties or sixties, the spark is gone. But it was there once, I think, and it may reappear.


Unknown said...

I love Bill&Hill. I was happy when they were in the White House, up until the Lewinsky cluster. I've never doubted that she's a human being. And she's intelligent and effective, no doubt. But she's more wishy-washy than Charlie Brown. The core of her platform is tell the people what they want to hear.

Erik said...

Yeah, I agree about Hillary's "malleability." It's not only infuriating, but in this time of threat/fright, it's frightening, too.