To the editor:
What's the appropriate phrase? Biting the bullet? Going all
in? Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead? This election, I've decided to do all
three. I'm voting in the California primary and, hopefully, in the general
election, for Bernie Sanders.
Yes, I worry about his "electability" and his
heart attack and advanced age (same as mine, BTW) but damn it, there's another
apt phrase: A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.
We elders recall presidential elections where a popular
chant, bemoaning the similarity of the major candidates' views, was "A
choice not an echo." Well, with a Sanders/Trump choice in November, that's
not likely to be heard, and that's important.
But to me it's deeper, grander, than that: My vote feels
like a profound exercise, a true and liberating act, an act that in small
measure atones to my offspring for allowing the state of our nation to become
what America has become and Trump exemplifies: an imperialist, consumerist,
capitalist monster.
Should we provide universal health care? Of course. Free
advanced education? Of course. Economic equity, certainly. And to the opposing
refrain, We can't afford it, I reply, Oh puhleeze. We support 700 worldwide
military bases; we subsidize multinational corporations and foreign governments;
we throw money at a Space Force and a border wall; we send pallets of dollars
to corrupt regimes.
So, I'm all in for Bernie Sanders. I owe it to those who
come after me – and to myself.
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