Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A picture is worth

more than a million words. It's priceless.


Anonymous said...

I'm surprised Laura isn't giggling.
It looks like a prank! Elaine

Anonymous said...

While the subject is no humorous matter, does "help begin a new cancer awareness in the region." refer to the geographical region or to the Bushes? - woodbilder

Erik said...

Good question, Woodbilder. Both diseases are deadly, but the Bush version seems to spread more wildly.

Anonymous said...

If I were having my picture taken next to a tent pretending to be a person, that would remind me of childhood pranks. Cancer is a business in this country. In case you are unaware, the chemical companies that spread the chemicals that cause cancer also make the chemicals used to treat the cancer victims. Now we can send another business to the Moslems while they affirm that they will never reveal anything about themselves. Do you think they are aware that the chemicals & radioactive materials we spread all over their land causes cancer?