Monday, January 07, 2008

Here's where I stand (right now)

This essay says it better than I could, so I'll just add these thoughts: Imagine two little black kids running down the halls and playing on the lawn of the White House; imagine broadcasting to the rest of the world, including those "Islamofascists," that we've just elected a man whose middle name is Hussein (grandson of the prophet Muhammad); imagine what we would feel about America--its prospects at home and in the world, its promise to all peoples of the world. Just imagine. It's enough, isn't it, to make you want to race to the ramparts?

So, in a few days, maybe sooner, you'll see me astride them holding a sign that says,

Oh, Yeah!


Anonymous said...
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corewell said...

From a world perspective,I think he could save our country. Just heard John Kerry stump for him and
I really value what John Kerry says, and Teresa's. I sense in Obama, the future, which is going to be so different. No turning back the clock....a greater and loving society.